Buy with confidence.

When you buy on 4CDK, we hold your payment until you receive the item and have time to review it. Once you receive the item, you have 30 days from the delivery time to confirm everything is to your liking and to rate the seller.

Once a digital item has been shipped and activated, it cannot be returned due to its digital nature and the inability to resell the item. If a key is found to be faulty, we will work with the Seller to help facilitate them to provide you with a working key or a full refund.

If you wish to cancel your order before it has been processed by the Seller, please contact us immediately, and we will facilitate the refund process with the Seller. Refunds are subject to the Seller’s policies and may take a few working days to appear on your statement.

Once you rate the seller, the sale is final and your payment is issued to the seller.

To keep you safe, we recommend that all communication takes place in the website and not to share personal or financial information for online transactions.

Fraud warning

Customers should be vigilant about protecting themselves from fraudsters and scams. Fraudulent transactions may result in the loss of your money with no recourse. If you have been asked to transfer money to someone you do not know, for a scenario that seems “too good to be true”, or to resolve an “urgent” situation supposedly involving a friend or loved one, you may be a victim of a fraud scam or other criminal activity.

If you suspect that you may be a victim of fraud, please email us at [email protected] or report your suspicions to law enforcement.